Saturday, May 31, 2014


I've just discovered this blog post that I forgot to publish. D'oh!


I finally decided to return to blogging after being "on leave" for nearly two years. Maternity leave that was! It wasn't pleasant to bake while you were coping with morning sickness and trying to bend down to reach the oven when your belly the size of a huge water melon. However, I did bake some raspberry muffins two days before I went into labour.

Let's skip the gory details and fast forward to 2014. I now have a happy 14 months old son who is now refusing to listen to our "commands" (more like our pleadings!). Luckily his grand parents are happy to baby sit him while I made macarons. I have made macarons in the past but it was always an unknown whether they will turn out successfully. I was beginning to think these little dainty treats behave just like my son - refusing to obey my commands and ignoring my pleadings to rise to give me the "pieds" - the distinctive character "feet" of the macarons.

At last I found a good recipe and made good looking and tasty macarons. Hooray!

Recipe from: Mad About Macarons